Market Leaders and Fast Followers See Real ROI with Mobile Initiatives

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Mobility provides a competitive advantage to organizations that have incorporated and embedded it into business processes. More than just another channel, mobility has earned its place as a mindset for not only the consumer world, but also the enterprise. As the key technology that defines consumerization of technology, mobility has proven its qualitative benefits. However, the ROI on mobility remains elusive at a quantitative level for many organizations.

Constellation set out to identify the key metrics across eight mega-business processes that included four front office and four back office mega-processes. From those mega-processes, survey participants responded to 42 key business process metrics.

The research methodology tracked stage of usage of key business process metrics and determined the actual ROI achieved in each business process metric. Constellation sourced the results from over 400 individual interviews, electronic surveys and case studies. Almost 15 percent of the responses were eliminated for incompleteness and inaccuracy, resulting in 341 cleansed responses.

The results revealed the rate of adoption for the 42 business process metrics and real ROI results for early adopters, sliced by size of organization, industry, department and business process. Constellation’s research subscribers can access the full Constellation IndexTM: Mobile ROI as an interactive tool with their logins.

Purpose & Intent: 

Recent results from Constellation IndexTM, Constellation’s proprietary data product, identify where mobility has made massive impacts on measurable metrics. The Mobile ROI research results provide market leaders and fast followers key metrics commonly measured in mobility and the start of a benchmark index by company size, industry, and business process.

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