Ultra Mobile Takes an Affordable Approach to Agile AnalyticsCarrier Taps Looker and Denodo to Bring Flexibility and Reuse to a Changing IT Landscape

Ultra Mobile is a prepaid nationwide carrier that focuses on delivering cost-effective mobile voice, text and data plans for domestic and international callers. Fast business growth and expanding reporting requirements overwhelmed the company’s incumbent analytical approach, which relied on the combination of relational database extracts and Excel-based reports.

In 2016, Ultra Mobile deployed the combination of Denodo data virtualization software and the Looker analytics platform. Denodo’s data virtualization layer insulates Ultra Mobile’s analytical environment from changes in applications and data sources as the company migrates from on-premises to cloud-based deployments. Looker supports fast development of business-user-friendly interactive dashboards and reports.

This flexible combination gives executives and business unit leaders easy access to near-real-time information. The company’s new executive dashboard, one of about a dozen dashboards developed in Looker, has eliminated the need for scores of separate reports and meets 75 percent of the company’s business decision-support needs. Freed from the daily drudgery of data preparation and report generations, senior data analysts now concentrate on predictive data science work that drives new business. Ultra Mobile credits the deployment with driving service improvements and increases in revenue and profitability.

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