Oracle ZFS Offering Overview coverInformation Portability across On-Premises and Cloud Storage Boosted with Oracle ZFS

Enterprise storage has been disrupted. Organizations are no longer constrained by the volume of data they can store to enable work operations or even power completely new business models. The next- generation applications that these companies want to run require proximity of data and computing. Elastic and, therefore, cheap computing is only available in the cloud, forcing a balance between on-premises and cloud storage.

While storing enterprise data completely on premises has its merits, moving data to the cloud can overcome risks and significantly reduce costs. CIOs need to plan effectively for the massive data growth and the different storage requirements based on their business’ goals.

With the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance, enterprises now have the chance to not only operate cloud- scale storage on premises but also use the same identical hardware that Oracle operates in the Oracle cloud – representing a novel approach for on-premises and cloud vendors. This inflection point merits more detailed analysis, which will be covered in this report, along with an overview of storage requirements, a look at the new storage appliance offering by Oracle, and recommendations for potential buyers.

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