Alliance Automation Platforms Drive Joint Marketing and Sales EffectivenessJoint Marketing and Sales Complexity Create Demand for Alliance Automation Solutions

Today’s hypercompetitive business environment challenges organizations to work across multiple internal departments and external partners to deliver a seamless customer experience. Fragmented sales and marketing processes with alliance partners increase frustration levels and create blind spots for stakeholders. The gap between customer visibility and partner marketing/sales effectiveness has created a new opportunity for alliance automation platforms. These platforms can make the difference between organizations feeling around in the dark, throwing proverbial darts at the go-to-market board and understanding where and how to put the right resources in order to increase sales while satisfying customers.

This report examines the reasons why existing processes and collaboration solutions struggle to meet the needs of marketers and sellers at partner organizations. Constellation identified six ways how alliance automation solutions provide the insight stakeholders need by centralizing the activities for budgeting, planning, content and resource management through data obtained from other systems of record such as customer relationship management solutions and marketing automation.

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