Find out why AVAD, a distributor of high-end audio/visual equipment, chose West over a host of other cloud communication providers

AVAD is a conglomeration of what were 11 different companies. Each branch supported its own communications system. Consequently, within the combined company, there were Private Branch Exchange devices (PBXs) from Panasonic, ShoreTel and Avaya. The Western U.S. region had a hosted system provided by Verizon. These disparate communications systems led to inconsistent billing and hidden charges that were only discovered when the entire solution was examined and deconstructed. There were always telephony support issues to deal with. But more damaging to AVAD was that customer calls often went unanswered because everyone thought or hoped that someone else would answer the phone or because all of the sales representatives were busy. AVAD was unable to adequately queue and route calls among locations to smoothly handle call demand. This left customers unsatisfied and significant business on the table.

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