Four IoT Business Models A Guide for Established Enterprises Planning Their Go-to-Market Strategy for Digital Services

This Quark explores the challenges that established enterprises face as business models transform in the digital economy. Given the rapidly changing world, selecting a new business model for the digital economy is vastly more important to the success of an organization than any particular product. 

In order to remain relevant in the digital economy, enterprises must deliver services to their customers via an ecosystem of networked services. The technological advances wrought by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enable enterprises to develop and deliver the services to customers in the digital services economy. 

The objective of this Quark is to assist enterprises in identifying a value proposition and selecting a business model for the digital ecosystem. The four digital services business models described in this Quark are not an attempt to produce a marketplace definition, model, product listing, or comparison. The definitions are provided solely to assist enterprises in identifying strategic options to enter and gain early momentum in the ecosystem of networked services. 

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