Infosys Helps BMG Tackle the Disruptions Affecting Global Media and Entertainment Companies

BMG Rights Management, a global music publishing and recording company based in Berlin, was struggling with disruptions wrought by the long-term transition from record, cassette and CD sales to downloads and, most recently, to streaming services. The company had to adjust to processing many smaller royalty payments, which it encountered at unprecedented scale with the rise of digital music streaming. BMG turned to long-term partner Infosys to modernize its transactional royalty-processing application while also implementing a modern, self-service analytics platform. 

Rolled out in three phases, the project supports faster processing of royalty payments at scale, better visibility into payments and new music trends, and new revenue-assurance capabilities for more accurate collections of royalties tied to live performances. Timely insight into royalty payments has improved the customer experience for BMG recording and songwriting artists. Self-service analysis of download and streaming trends gives BMG earlier and more flexible insight into emerging artists and genres, facilitating proactive sales and marketing campaigns that maximize revenue. 

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