At a Glance

Customer loyalty and customer relationships often are thought of as programs or campaigns to be launched and automated. But for teams spread thin by complex marketing technology stacks that fail to deliver the automated, relevant, connected customer engagements that truly build and foster relationships over time, the goal of leveraging loyalty to drive growth can feel like a distant aspiration. 

This case study examines how two very different companies with very different customers leveraged the Cheetah Digital platform to quickly develop more meaningful understandings about their customers. This customer intelligence foundation, in turn, has enabled Cheetah Digital’s customers to operationalize a relationship marketing strategy that focuses on both the creation of a durable value exchange with buyers and more connected processes across sales, marketing, and loyalty. Thanks to a renewed understanding of their customers’ goals, needs, and aspirations, these two organizations have actively driven growth and lasting customer value via durable relationships. 

Although all of Cheetah Digital’s customers have unique circumstances and businesses, these two had very similar challenges and goals.

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