The enterprise need for managing mobile devices grows and deepens in terms of capabilities. In 2011 alone, people will buy more than 400 million “smart devices,” whether smartphones, tablets or other devices. With the increasing trend of buyers to bring their smart devices to work (known as BYOD or Bring Your Own Device), enterprises will have to adjust to an environment that is very different to the environment previously applied to PCs or even to mobile phones, for example.

This report looks at key developments in order to:

  • Understand how mobile devices are changing the enterprise environment.
  • Describe three levels of solution that Constellation Research identifies which
  • encompass the mobile device management market today, along with how these complement each other, are different and what customers should expect.
  • Offer an Action Urgency Questionnaire to enable organizations to assess their degree of urgency about adopting a mobile management solution, and which level of solution may be most relevant.
  • Examine the overall implications, what these mean, and recommend what enterprises should do.
Purpose & Intent: 

This overview and segmentation describes how enterprises can manage an expanding mobile device population. As the market for smart devices explodes, enterprises must understand their internal smart device usage, and then examine which mobile management solution options apply. In addition, this report includes an “Action Urgency Questionnaire’” as a first step in assessing what they need to do and how urgently.

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