About This Constellation ShortList™

Multicloud analytics and business intelligence (BI) platforms do more than just ease the burden of deploying and administering infrastructure and software across multiple clouds. These multicloud options help companies gain deep contextual insights from combinations of internal and external data. Many organizations are not only shifting more workloads into clouds but are also increasingly tapping cloud-based external sources such as software-as-a-service (SaaS) apps, social networks, third-party enrichment data, and partner information accessed as cloud-based sources. Multicloud and emerging cross-cloud options help bring analytics to the center of data gravity, reducing the cost of data access and data movement. 

Multicloud analytics and BI platforms enable organizations to develop and deliver rich insights where needed. Emerging cross-cloud capabilities take advantage of containerization technologies to enable organizations to shift deployments and analytic workloads from cloud to cloud in a consistent way. 

Now that every major analytics and BI vendor offers SaaS on at least one public cloud, the bar has been raised. This “Multicloud Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms” ShortList (renamed from “Cloud-Based”) covers SaaS or managed services available on multiple public clouds. As a result, the selection of vendors named on this revised ShortList has changed significantly.

Threshold Criteria

Constellation considers the following criteria for cloud-based business intelligence:

  • Delivery of SaaS or managed services on two or more public clouds
  • Containerization underpinnings supporting consistent streamlined deployment and scalability across multiple clouds
  • Data management capabilities such as data integration and self-service data preparation
  • Breadth of analysis tools, including dashboarding, data visualization, forecasting, and predictive capabilities
  • Rich collaboration features for authors, analysts, and business users


The Constellation ShortList™

Constellation evaluates more than 25 solutions categorized in this market. The Constellation ShortListis determined by client inquiries, partner conversations, customer references, vendor selection projects, market share and internal research.

  • DOMO


Frequency of Evaluation

Each Constellation ShortList is updated at least once per year. Updates may occur after six months if deemed necessary.

Evaluation Services

Constellation clients can work with the analyst and the research team to conduct a more thorough discussion of this ShortList. Constellation can also provide guidance in vendor selection and contract negotiation.


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