Today the Court of Justice of the EU invalidated the Safe Harbor agreement between the EU and the US. Take a look at the press release of the court here.

So take a look at what it means for next generation applications (and also other applications that store European consumer / business data):


If you can't watch here are my takeaways

  • A win for data privacy for Europeans, the question will be at what cost. That cheap electronic gadget or sports apparel is likely no longer a click away. 
  • Not so good news for small and medium size business (SMB) who do business with European entities and consumers who now face additionally challenges. Challenges will be huge in case a SMB does business in their own data center in North America. Or works with a datacenter provider who does not have a EU presence. 
  • It largely will benefit the larger vendors, particularly those who have a EU presence, or so called model agreements for the respective locations of their data centers. 
What is your take? 

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