Customers are More Difficult to Serve Than Ever. Is Your Brand Ready? Avaya, a Contact Center Infrastructure for 15 consecutive years unveiled customer engagement innovations that meet customer expectations where the rules of the game have changed:
  • 90% of people move between different devices[i]
  • 52% of customers are less likely to engage with a company because of a bad mobile experience[ii]
  • 89% of companies will compete primarily based on customer experience – up significantly from the previous two years[iii]
What’s the Big Announcement? At the conference, Enterprise Connect, Avaya spoke at the key innovations that redefine the customer experience battleground and keep companies ahead of the curve, based on technology that supports more than 5 million agents globally. The Avaya Customer Engagement solutions –which can be implemented through a fully hosted or hybrid cloud model to help ease the transition between existing and new technologies for digital business, deliver:
  • A flexible, robust foundation provided by Avaya Aura® and Elite contact center solutions, which continues to lead the industry now as a 100% virtualized, 100% software-based platform that eliminates the need for hardware-based media gateways to perform important call center functions.
  • Software-defined customer engagement that makes it possible to communication-enable sales and service workflows and processes through Avaya Breeze which can significantly enhance the customers’ experience.
  • A full stack, turnkey solution in Avaya Pod Fx (formerly Collaboration Pod), providing  everything needed to run an advanced virtualized contact center (applications compute, storage, networking & management) all racked, stacked, cabled and configured to remove complexity and streamline operations.
  • Maximum evolution flexibility through the new Avaya Secure Delivery offer which provides hosted private cloud communications for security conscious organizations (US).
A Notes from the Executives: Gary Barnett, SVP and GM, Avaya Engagement Solutions, said:  “The competitive battleground has shifted, requiring a new type of solution and means to respond to digital customer behavior. Customer expectations today will not wait for old contact center technology to get its act together. Speed is the new currency for business transformation – businesses need to understand, predict and respond to customer needs in less time than it takes for a spark to burnout. Avaya is the only company that can rapidly elevate the customer end game without the disruption typical of massive technical change.”
What Are the benefits of Avaya’s Approach?
  • Customer defined experiences for all channels and devices – traditional voice, web & mobile chat, social, email, WebRTC-enabled, one-click mobile video and calling from any device, guided co-browsing and advanced customer service applications that simply snap-in without massive technical support.
  • 360 degree customer context that makes it easy to map customer journeys across automated and assisted service channels.
  • Minimized effort on behalf of the customer or business to obtain or deliver optimal service by combining analytics and automation.
  • The ability to easily design workflows to create smart customer journeys that easily tap into enterprise CRM systems and bring other data into a single business process.
  • Unparalleled flexibility and scale for today’s multi-modal environments that allow companies to easily adjust to changing demands.
  • Simplified transition to new technology and refocus on core business advancing projects by leveraging a more secure, hosted cloud based delivery.
  •  Customer choice of deployment options, including public, private or hybrid cloud, premises-based and managed services to match business policies and objectives.

What’s Your CEO Going to Do About Customer Service? Is your company ready for the next generation of customer experiences? Customers are more fickle than ever. Who can blame them? Customer Service has not been an important aspect of many brands initiatives – at least they didn’t want to put the money behind it… so it did not met customers expectations. With customer expectations rising even fast in this always-on world, companies need their CEOs to get the message and support customer service.

Does your CEO get customer service yet?

@DrNatalie Petouhoff, VP and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research

Covering Customer-facing Applications That Drive Better Business Results
