July 7, 2024

Monday's Musings: How To Deliver On Both Performance And Diversity Amidst The DEI Backlash

The recent backlash on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs stems from both the lack of quantitative data showing how diverse teams improve performance and the discriminatory nature in how these teams were constructed.  In 2015, a McKinsey study lauded the dividends to be gained from diversity.  The well meaning Davos set used this study to launch a movement for diversity, resulting in hundreds of billions spent on diversity programs across businesses, the public sector, and non-profits over the past decade.

June 24, 2024

News Analysis: Only A Few Companies Will Win In Fueling The Age of AI

AI Begins And Ends With Nvidia

Despite the massive buzz on AI, only a few core companies that power the Age of AI will succeed. The high capital costs of research and development investment, the time required to take a product to market, and the ability to cross competitive moats create a massive barrier to entry.  In fact, only a few vendors have shown significant profits in AI:

June 24, 2024

Monday's Musings: Progress Through The Five A's of AI

Take A Measured Approach To AI Adoption

The rush to AI projects often comes as an all or nothing approach. However, lessons learned from Constellation's Executive Network (CEN) members show a gradual and measured approach.  Constellation sees five phases to adoption from both a business and cultural point of view:

March 27, 2024

Tuesday's Tip: Why Unethical Marketing Costs Tech Vendors 100’s of Millions Every Year

What Every Tech Vendor CEO and CFO Should Know About Their CMO’s Wasted Investments In Vanity Metrics

Marketing professionals face massive pressure to show that their marketing investments have paid off. In a zero-interest rate environment, budgets were flush and marketers had a lot of leeway in building brand, hosting amazing events, and buying ads to improve market presence. However, a shift to a five percent interest rate environment has many CMO’s focused on performance marketing, showing return on investment, and moving MQLs from SQLs as fast as they can.

March 18, 2024

New Analysis: Nvidia GTC 2024 Is The Davos of AI

New Chips, New Business Models Ahead In Accelerated Computing

Nvidia stock is up 267% YoY.  With over 10,000 people in physical attendance and up to 100,000 people virtually attending, this could be the largest AI conference. All eyes on the next wave for AI with CEO Jensen Huang ready to keynote at 1:00 pm PT at the SAP Center in San Jose.  The key things to look for in the keynote:

March 17, 2024

Monday's Musings: Will AI Force Centralized Scarcity Or Create Freedom With Decentralized Abundance?

Age of AI Ushers Exponential And Transformational Power In The Hands Of A Few

Society has often swung from centralization to decentralization and back in the distribution of power and rights.  Living in a culture of abundance versus a culture of scarcity can alter the prioritization of decisions, the quality of interactions, and the overall optimism or pessimism of a society.  AI has the power to transform societies for both good and evil.

December 27, 2023

Trends: Tech IPOs Will Come Back In 2024

Two Year IPO Drought Coming To An End

In 2023, only 148 companies completed an initial public offering (IPO). This was the worst year on record and followed a 15% decline from the number of IPO's in 2022, another disappointing year.  In 2023, ARM was the sole blockbuster tech IPO. 

After a brutal two years with a paucity of tech IPOs, the market is poised for a resurgence in 2024. 

October 3, 2023

Research Summary: The Urgent Case For A Chief AI Officer (CAIO)

\With artificial intelligence (AI) projects all the rage, organizations must make a strategic determination to create a new CxO role at least at a functional level if not at a title level.. This decision should not be made lightly, however. Although the chief AI officer (CAIO) role is critical to an organization’s success, the level of collaboration across business, IT, finance and operations, HR, and legal risk and compliance requires an unprecedented level of cooperation and orchestration.  Boards will also want to consider AI at the same level as CyberSecurity.

August 13, 2023

Monday's Musings: Time To Focus On Revenue Platforms, Not Piecemeal "RevOps"

Every Enterprise and Brand Is Focused On Revenue Growth While Trying To Achieve Operational Efficiency

There has never been a greater focus on revenue, however, Chief Revenue Officers (CROs) face a dual mandate.  On one hand, they must continue to find growth and revenue, on the other hand, leaders must balance operational efficiency and reduced budgets.  Constellation's recent CXO Business Confidence Survey highlights how all CXO's face this dual mandate over the next 18 to 24 months.