Executive Summary

To say that marketing automation tools are not new is an understatement. These tools and platforms have served as the underpinning of the marketing operations machine since they were spun out of customer relationship management (CRM) solutions in the early 1990s. Although the feature and function set has evolved and new innovations from machine learning to augmented analytics have worked their way into the marketing automation lexicon, the foundation has remained the same for the most part. Until now.

Marketing automation is ripe for reinvention, shaking off the legacy of being used as a fancy tool that only orchestrates emails. This paper investigates the key drivers reshaping the marketing automation space, from the increasing demands for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) organizations to engage and interact as people to the call for budget austerity and rigor driving more chief marketing officers to ask hard questions of tools they had begun to take for granted.

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