How Oracle Cloud Observability and Management Changes DevOps Best Practices

At an Oracle virtual launch event on October 6, 2020, Clay Magouyrk announced a new offering in the area of observability and management of complex application technology stacks. Oracle Cloud Observability and Management Platform (Oracle Observability and Management going forward) provides Logging, Logging Analytics, and Operations Insights immediately (general availability now) and will shortly offer Application Performance Monitoring and Database Management. Service Connector Hub (GA now) enables easy data movement across Oracle and third-party observability tools using open standards. Combined, these cloud services enable observation and management across public, hybrid and private clouds as well as on-premises, remarkably beyond Oracle Cloud and supporting third-party cloud platforms.

This blog post explores what sets Oracle Observability and Management apart from its competitors in the market, presents key differentiators and concludes with actionable recommendations for CxOs.

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