Future of Work on Digitally Proficient TeamsThe New Cultural and Technical Skills Required for Working on Digital Teams 


Not long ago, many employees’ resumes included their typing speed and skills such as "proficient with word processing and spreadsheets.” But a very different set of skills is required in today’s digital workplace. Now, people need to work across time zones and language barriers. They need to be available almost any time, any place via mobile or wearable devices. They need to know how to create interactive content using social media and live-streaming videos. People need to move beyond boring slide decks and reports and instead visualize data patterns and derive insights to guide more informed decisions. Today’s top employees don’t just do their own jobs, they also embrace the role of company advocates and act as unofficial sales, marketing and customer support staff. Today’s employees even need to recognize that some colleagues are not even human, as artificial intelligence and personal digital assistants become part of our everyday workflow.

Everywhere we look, the tools and culture of work are changing. Everything is becoming computerized or digital. Everything is available online, accessible all day, every day, from almost anywhere, thanks to mobile devices likes phones, tablets and wearables. This “digital transformation” has changed our personal lives in areas such as online shopping, banking, and trip planning. Now that same digital transformation is reshaping our work lives as well. Sales and marketing professions can much more easily connect and engage with prospects. Healthcare, legal, and law enforcement professionals have access to vast amounts of information to help them do their jobs more effectively. Creative agencies and professional services teams can work with clients anywhere in the world, almost as if they were sitting beside them. Engineering and manufacturing workers can see 3-D models of their products and track real-time updates to their supply chains. Every aspect of work is being redefined - where we work, how we work, who we work with.

This report examines the new era of digital work and highlights key areas where people should become proficient in order to help teams work together effectively. 


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