Executive Summary

With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting many areas of the globe, work from home is more of a mainstay than a luxury and digitizing business is more of a survival strategy than an option. Most enterprises are struggling with both of these concepts while digital-native companies are thriving. 

To be fair, digital-native companies have the advantages of much less technical debt, low infrastructure costs, and a seemingly unlimited supply of digital millennials and forward thinkers willing to work for them and set them on the right digital path. But a vision without execution is hallucination: The vision of building a successful digital business without a proper site reliability engineering (SRE) team to ensure proper execution is likewise a fantasy. SRE is about taking a software engineering approach to IT operations. A strong SRE team is not just nice to have anymore: It is mandatory for winning in the digital economy.

This report outlines the primary SRE trends that Constellation has observed for 2022 and beyond, based on recent and ongoing conversations with many digital CxO-level executives, SRE practitioners, and incident management team members. Anyone looking to set up a reliable and resilient digital enterprise needs to understand these trends, hire the right personnel, set up the right processes, and get the right toolset to avoid disasters. Avoiding major incidents not only can cost a lot less than catching up and fixing disasters after they happen but it will also establish leaders in this competitive digital era and prevent brand damage. 

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