A new chip called Bodywell was recently announced to reduce the potential risk of mobile device radiation by lowering its absorption rate in the body. Currently, there are minimal industry precautions on the potential risks from mobile device radiation.  Mobile devices emit a non-ionizing electronic radio frequency, which can be absorbed by tissues closest to where the phone is held.  Short-term studies have not shown a “consistent link” between the specific absorption rate (SAR) and cancers of the brain and other tissues in the neck and head. However, many of these studies were financed by the mobile device manufacturer. Other credible scientific studies have identified a range of health problems associated with mobile device long term use. This list includes the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that issued a warning admitting cellphones might indeed cause cancer and the UK Mobilewise Study, www.mobilewise.org that identified a range of health risks including brain cancer after a decade or more use and a possible link to salivary gland tumors. Unfortunately, these risks are significantly greater in children, as their nervous systems are still developing, which makes them more vulnerable.

It will most likely take decades for definitive studies to be done to determine if there is positive proof of risks associated with mobile device use. In the meantime, there is good news for many who want to mitigate their risk factor and are not willing to wait for manufacturers or government agencies to address this issue more fully. A new chip called Bodywell, www.bodywellchip.com, counters the absorption of radiation in the body. It is a tiny flat chip, about the size of your thumb nail that you stick anywhere on your mobile device and there is no observable loss of signal strength on the mobile device. Unlike other less proven methods that attempted to block or shield radiation, this chip counters radiation emitted from mobile devices. It has been scientifically proven to reduce cellphone radiation my more than 50% in studies done with iPhone, iPad and Samsung Galaxy.

Although I have seen minor warning from manufacturers, they were not compelling enough for me to abandon my smartphone. However, as more studies from a substantial group of world class scientists appear, I think it is time to consider how to best reduce long term risks. The Bodywell chip is amazingly simple to use and I have attached the chip on the outside of my iPhone. I find it is a very inexpensive form of insurance against potential risks from mobile device radiation. Just as children wear bike helmets to protect them against potential falls, this chip should be provided to every child with a mobile device. The chip can be ordered from Bodywell’s web site and costs just under $30. The Bodywell chip is made by EZ Technologies, a Swiss owned technology firm.  Hopefully, manufacturers who currently provide mobile devices will consider adding this chip as an option for their customers.