Today the Microsoft TechEd conference kicked off in Houston with the first keynote, largely delivered by Brad Anderson, who called in colleagues for separate demos. 

And here are my top 3 takeaways from the keynote

  • The future is the Hybrid cloud – There can be no doubt that Microsoft keeps investing in the direction of hybrid cloud. And the direction certainly makes sense for Microsoft given where its customers are right now. Making the move to cloud easy is key for Microsoft’s success in the enterprise. Active Directory hold the keys - and Microsoft never gets tired of showing the benefits. 

API consumption visualized

  • It’s the IT guy, stupid – Even though Anderon and other presenters did not mention it expressively – it’s clear that the pitch of TechEd was for the IT executive and his right hand – the system administrator. Backup in the cloud, fail over for sites, and securing, controlling mobile applications and securing mobile Office capabilities were featured prominently.

Creation of a RemoteApp

  • Launch of RemoteApp – Being able to make Apps available remotely has long been a bread and butter service for most IT organization. Being able to now deploy these Apps to Windows Azure and have users not only consume them on Windows devices but also (through containers) on iOS and Android is very powerful. And there are all the benefits of the cloud – elastic scaling or resources – so enterprises will only pay for what they use. 


A very good start at Microsoft TechEd – nicely tying together the recent events around CloudforMobile, Build, Sharepoint etc. Anderson did a great job bringing together all the messages and loose ends these events left open. And certainly Microsoft is a master at connecting the higher grounds (i.e. its strong points) – tirelessly connecting ActiveDirectory, Officer and a daily growing Azure.

More about Microsoft:
  • First Take - Microsoft discovers data ambience and delivers an organic approach to in memory database - read here
  • Event Report - Microsoft Build - Azure grows and blossoms - enough for enterprises (yet)? Read here.
  • Event Report - Microsoft Build Day 1 Keynote - Top Enterprise Takeaways - read here.
  • Microsoft gets even more serious about devices - acquire Nokia - read here.
  • Microsoft does not need one new CEO - but six - read here.
  • Microsoft makes the cloud a platform play - Or: Azure and her 7 friends - read here.
  • How the Cloud can make the unlikeliest bedfellows - read here.
  • How hard is multi-channel CRM in 2013? - Read here.
  • How hard is it to install Office 365? Or: The harsh reality of customer support - read here.
Find more coverage on the Constellation Research website here.