About this Constellation ShortList™

Reliable data is as vital as clean drinking water. There is special term for critical infrastructure to protect information – infostructure – an organizational structure for the collection and distribution of information (Oxford English Dictionary).

Constellation sees infostructure encompassing software quality assurance, enforceable standards, process automation technologies and governance as a service. Critical components and capabilities include hardware security, trusted execution environments (TEEs), data clean rooms, multiparty computation, attestation services, and security operations centers (SOCs).

Machine learning is supercharging data protection infostructure. Generative AI models need assured confidentiality during training and in operation, and the provenance of gen AI outputs is critical. Customers need dependable infostructure in which all AI data flows are confidential and at the same time have jurisdictional certainty.

The two most important industry initiatives in data protection infostructure are the Confidential Computing Consortium and the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA).

There are many data protection service offerings at different stages of development. Enterprises seeking to make their data as safe as a utility should look at a layered approach and consider vendors on this shortlist.

Threshold Criteria

Constellation considers the following criteria for these solutions:

  • Depth of the technology stack 
  • Integrations with commercial workflow solutions 
  • Experience in managed services provision 
  • Depth and quality of cryptological research 
  • R&D and academic connections 
  • Established network and security operations centers (NOCs and SOCs) 
  • Security accreditations 
  • Commitment to standards and contribution to standards development.

The Constellation ShortList™

Constellation evaluates more than 12 solutions categorized in this market. This Constellation ShortList is determined by client inquiries, partner conversations, customer references, vendor selection projects, market share and internal research.

  • AWS

Frequency of Evaluation

Each Constellation ShortList is updated at least once per year. Updates may occur after six months if deemed necessary.

Evaluation Services

Constellation clients can work with the analyst and the research team to conduct a more thorough discussion of this ShortList. Constellation can also provide guidance in vendor selection and contract negotiation.

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