Metra Utama
VP, IT Planning, Telkomsel
Tech Optimization and Modernization
As the largest telecom operator in Indonesia, Telkomsel is constantly looking for ways to improve and stay at the top. Not only are they trying to stay at the top, but they have also made a commitment to building a digital Indonesia while exceeding customer expectations and creating value for their stakeholders.
Because Telkomsel serves a dynamic, digital-savvy customer base, it wanted a scalable architecture for creating agile and relevant mobile products to keep up with subscriber demand.
Telkomsel turned to TIBCO Cloud Mashery, TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition, and TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management software to create an agile and scalable platform that provides omnichannel customer experience and better serves an increasing volume of mobile subscribers. With these TIBCO products, Telkomsel now has the freedom to deploy their digital business and grow as needed.
The solutions simplify the connection between APIs and microservices for the integration of a channel orchestrator layer, business service layer, and backend layer. This architecture provides the capacity and flexibility to take on more transactions per second—up to 30,000 and growing. Telkomsel needed a digital foundation layer that allows it to separate its system of engagement, or front-end channel, from its systems of record. The company took a collaborative approach in developing reusable APIs and outlining business outcomes. As a result, it rolled out new agile capabilities in just 10 months. Telkomsel also implemented TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management offer and price engine software. The solution holds tens of thousands of products in an in-memory cache, allowing customers to search and quickly find offers tailored to particular geographies, customer types, and price points. Products and offerings are more accessible than ever before and get to market faster, resulting in up to three times market growth and an astounding 168 million customers. Because the offer engine supports all products for all channels, the company actually reduced its product catalog, further boosting performance. Because it doesn't need channel-specific products anymore, it can change, modify, and enhance its products, identify gaps, and fill them quickly, giving the business greater credibility and resiliency.
With the TIBCO upgrade, Telksomsel now has the capacity and flexibility to take over 30,000 transactions per second through APIs. Not only are they able to take in more data quicker, Telkomsel can now distribute new company wide capabilities and processes faster. For example, they were able to roll out new agile capabilities in only 10 months.
TIBCO BusinessWorks and TIBCO Cloud Mashery has given Telkomsel the ability to create and integrate to a cloud-ready platform that exceeds the customer’s expectation.
Telkomsel will now be able to quickly and efficiently make company-wide changes through TIBCO’s integration and API management platforms. By taking out the difficult and time-consuming process of implementing those changes, Telkomsel will save money and time. These new dynamic options also allow for quick corrective action and adjustments.
With their new TIBCO products, Telkomsel can continue their mission to build a digital Indonesia. TIBCO has given them the capability to execute more while doing so more efficiently. Thus, helping them stay at the top of Indonesia’s telecommunication industry.
About Your Organization

Our vision
Be a world-class, trusted provider of mobile digital lifestyle services and solutions.
Our mission
Deliver mobile digital services and solutions that exceed customers’ expectations, create value for our stakeholders, and support the economic development of the nation.