Lisa Petrides, Ph.D. is founder and CEO of ISKME, the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, an independent, education nonprofit established in 2002, and a pioneer in knowledge sharing and innovation in the education sector.

Petrides is a scholar and international open educational resources (OER) expert who has helped lead the development of tools and strategies to create and support the field of open educational practice. Her work includes the creation of the award winning OER Commons, a digital public library of open educational resources and collaboration platform that facilitates the discovery, improvement of high-quality digital resources that are free, openly licensed, and available for a diverse range of learners. She has advised foreign governments and U.S. government agencies, states, schools, and colleges on implementing inclusive access to open education at all levels. 

ISKME also produces an international event dedicated to catalyzing education innovation, Big Ideas Fest. 

A former professor in the Department of Organizational Leadership at Columbia University, Teachers College, her research and practice is at the forefront of understanding how education can be made relevant to learning through open access, social learning, information sharing, and knowledge collaboration. 

Petrides has led development efforts that have enabled schools, colleges, universities, ministries of education, and the organizations that support them to expand their capacity to collect and share information, and create knowledge-driven environments focused on learning and success. 

Petrides received an MBA from Sonoma State University, and a Ph.D. in Education Policy from Stanford University.