Game-Changing Two-Factor Authentication: The Long-Awaited Driverless, Readerless Chip Key

Yubico has developed the world’s first driverless USB security key, which works out of the box with many computers without needing to install special software. The “YubiKey” has been adopted for enterprise logon by such influential and demanding customers as Google, Facebook and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and yet at the same time, Yubico has a credible plan for rollout to the general public.

We are at the dawn of digital wallets for payments and managing identity attributes, and simultaneously in the midst of a data breach pandemic. The public is baying for proper protection in cyberspace. Yubico heralds a long overdue progress in everyday identity security, to intuitive yet highly sophisticated two-factor authentication. Constellation believes YubiKey is a true game changer.

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