Oct 7, 2013 4:00pm PDT - Oct 10, 2013 11:59am PDT

HR Tech is about transforming business process and driving organizational success, not the bits and bytes of technology. For 16 years, our purpose has been to help you get the business benefits from technology.

Doubt it? Read these blogs by industry leaders China Gorman, John Hollon and Trish McFarlane writing about just how essential this conference is to everyone in the community.

This year's program is now live with impressive keynotes, innovative general sessions, dozens of presentations from the world's leading companies, plus the world's largest HR tech Expo with all the vendor execs you need to meet, and add on top of all that, the excitement of Las Vegas.

Here is just a sampling:

  • Presentations from senior execs at world-class organizations including Cigna, Cisco, GE, GM, Hilton, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble and many more
  • Keynotes from Don Tapscott and Jason Averbook
  • Innovative and entertaining General Sessions including "The HR Tonight Show Starring Bill Kutik" and "Awesome New Technologies for HR" produced by his successor, Steve Boese
  • New "HR Tech Talks," short, rapid-fire presentations by industry leaders about work, technology, management and some surprising topics
  • The most provocative panel discussions, including Collaborative Enterprises Get Work Done!, NextGen Influencers and International Recruiting
  • Guaranteed face-time with industry luminaries – Naomi Lee Bloom, Josh Bersin, Gartner's Ron Hanscome, IDC's Lisa Rowan and more – in intimate, small-group discussions.

Check it all out. Finish reading this home page, watch the video in the left column, then click down the tabs:

While we cover all the latest trends – Saas, The Cloud, social, mobile, collaborative work and learning, video, Big Data, gamification and MOOCs – we never lose focus on the more traditional processes that still command your attention or cause you headaches. Check out our graded track on Workforce Analytics and Workforce Planning. Relieve your guilt!

Frankly, no one asks anymore why or whether they should attend HR Tech. They ask for corporate approval (if required), worry about budget being available or whether they can afford the time out of the office!

So please start that process today. Plan to stay over Tuesday night for an exciting and grand celebration of the last year of founding Co-Chair Bill Kutik’s 16 years creating and nurturing HR Tech, plus a mystery guest Wednesday morning you may have seen on network television!

Register now to get it all. See you in Las Vegas!

- See more at: http://www.hrtechconference.com/#sthash.BBJWw8Cc.dpuf


The Future of People to People Networks
Oct 8, 2013
11:00am - 12:30pm

(Modeled after the famous TED Talks, the HR Technology Conference 2013 presents short, rapid-fire presentations from thought leaders.)

The world is moving to P2P relationships. How does this change in a societal, technological, environmental, economic, and political fashion?